Photoshop Tutorials

Over on one of my other websites I have published three Photoshop tutorials, often when I read tutorials they might say something like , ‘now use the Channel Mixer’, sometimes I do not have a clue as to where the channel mixer is on the menu structure, and the text often assumes  you understand what it is talking about.

When I write a tutorial, support email or training aid, I will often insert an image rather than text, I think that an image is a far better reference point and a visual descriptor.

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WordPress blogging with Windows Live Writer

This Blog was written and published direct from my laptop to my Word Press blog, this was done using Windows Live Writer (WLW) a free application from Microsoft, the benefits of using Windows Live Writer are many, you can take your time writing your blog post, save drafts, retrieve a blog you have posted for editing, if you have more than one blog you can post the same article to multiple blogs, here is a quick overview of how to setup WLW and post to your blog. 

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